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Center for Information Management and Computer Applications (CIMCA)

Center for Information Management and Computer Applications (CIMCA), has been established under Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University at Jobner (Jaipur) on 07.02.2014. The setup of Payroll Management System is done successfully for developing salary statements, schedules and salary slips for entire employees of the university. The university website is also hosted under CIMCA. Web-Server for the website with 24x7 power backup is installed at the center. 1 Gbps Internet Connectivity through National Knowledge Network (NKN) is also an initiative taken by the center and the University got connected to NKN. The objective of the center is to provide the IT enabled services to all the units of SKNAU Jobner, to impart ITES trainings to teaching and non-teaching staff of the university, to set up, extend and maintain IT infrastructure such as ILL, LAN, Wi-Fi access, etc.
- Academic Management System
Academic Management System automates various academic processes of the university and will enhance the efficiency of the system by saving time and efforts involved in manual processes. The data generated by the system is used for generating the reports at the national agriculture portal by aggregating the data from various State Agriculture Universities. The system has following sub modules:
- Courses Management
- Student Management
- Faculty Management
- Administration Management
- E-Learning
- Online fee collection
9 constituents and 11 private affiliated colleges along with 3365 students and 193 faculties have been registered under AMS for SKNAU Jobner.
- University Website
Approximately 1 million hits have been received on University Website during 2021-22. All the important events, news, circulars, tenders and others information are being uploaded regularly.
- Official E-Mailing System
784 official email accounts on @sknau.ac.in domain are being used. 66 groups have been prepared for bulk emailing.
- E-Governance Portals
The center is regularly utilizing the e-governance portals like Rajasthan State Public Procurement Portal (SPPP) for uploading all NIB and Bids above 1.00 lac, Sampark Portal for Grievance Redressal, e-proc portal for e-tendering, Government e-Market place (GEM) for procurement.
- AGRI-DIKSHA Virtual Classroom
ICAR - IASRI has envisioned to establish Agri-DIKSHA and Virtual Classrooms in Agricultural Universities (AU) to strengthen agricultural education through ICT interventions under NAHEP- Resilient Agricultural Education System (RAES) through a centralized deployment at Krishi Megh. As a part Virtual Classrooms has been established in our university also which is ‘Blended Learning Method’ that combines online and in-person teaching/learning. Upon setting up of Virtual Classroom in our University, it encourages us to recording/broadcasting of at least four to five hours of virtual lessons every working day which will also have to be uploaded onto the central server for archiving and dissemination of knowledge. The Central Recording & webcasting software is pre-installed in the provided Virtual Classroom hardware connected to Krishi Megh at ICAR-IASRI and is being monitored by the higher authorities
- Agricultural Experts Information System
It is the premier database of profiles of scientists/researchers and other faculty members working at leading academic institutions and other R & D organization involved in teaching and research in the Agriculture sector across India. It provides important information about expert's background, contact address, experience, scholarly publications, skills and accomplishments, researcher identity, etc. The database is developed and maintained by ICAR. The database would be instrumental in the selection of panels of experts for various committees, taskforce, established by the Agriculture Ministries/State departments establishments for monitoring and evaluation purposes. In this connection Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner has initiated to develop its faculty database through AEIS Portal. The profile URL created has also been updated on the university website www.sknau.ac.in. The profile can be updated periodically as and when required by the scientist.
- Digi-Locker
The National Academic Depository (NAD) is a 24X7 online repository of all academic awards such as certificates, diplomas, degrees, mark sheets, etc. lodged by Academic Institutions, such as universities, colleges, research institutes, training academies and secondary education boards and stored in a digital format. DigiLocker NAD not only allows easy access to and retrieval of academic awards but also validates and guarantees their authenticity and safe storage. SKNAU has been registered as a service provider and 891 degree certificates of UG, PG and Ph.D. for the session 2021 has been uploaded on Digi-locker portal.
- Other Activities
- A pension module has been integrated with Payroll Management Software for preparing digital Pension Bills
- Monthly Salary Preparation for all the units of SKNAU
- FVC and other bill preparation through Paymanager for all the units of SKNAU
- Generation of annual PF statements and Final Payment for all the units of SKNAU
- Preparation and Uploading of monthly NPS contribution to NSDL Mumbai
- Maintenance and Monitoring of entire Wi-Fi, Internet and Intranet of SKNCOA and University Admin Block including Hostels & Guest House
- Various Trainings on Digital Classroom Management and Computer basics were conducted in association with the Directorate of HRD
- Assistance in setup of 12 Virtual Classrooms under NAHEP and 2 Video Conferencing rooms
Contact Details:
email: cimca@sknau.ac.in; contact: 01425-254900